Domestic Digitising Doings 04: I Can See Clearly Now I'm... Using Apparatus

The project to digitise an estimated 5,000+ of my family’s photographic slide collection is well under way, indeed I’m merrily feeding slides into the hungry scanner as I type. A niggling issue I’ve encountered is how to view the slides BEFORE scanning. Why do I need to do this? Two reasons – firstly to thin out any duplicate shots, particularly of trains (I’ve made a rule to not dispose of anything with a family member in, even me…), and secondly to return the slides to some semblance of chronological shot order after decades of being haphazardly pulled in and out of their boxes and generally jumbled up. With the traditional method of holding slides up to the light and squinting being both unsatisfactory and eye-strainy, and setting up a projector being a bit unwieldy, we are lucky to have this…. A VIEW TO A VIEW The technology of the future! The future of - the 1970s. I’ve a real soft spot for this slide viewer, partly because I remember sitting as a child and being enthra...