Domestic Digitising Doings 02: Gearing Up

What’s this, a suspicious package? No, but it is DA BOMB 😊 Shiny. Shiny shiny shiny. It’s a shiny new slides/negatives scanner – the Plustek OpticFilm8200i . Ta-daa! Having previously identified the scale of the task at hand to digitise my family's photograph collection, we move onto how best to scan the images and what best to scan them with... I did consider getting the Epson V600 which I’ve used professionally before and has certain advantages, such as scanning multiple transparencies simultaneously and being a generally more versatile flatbed scanner than dedicated photo scanners. However, after much research and stressing over a budget, I picked the Plustek as the best compromise between quality and affordability (even then it was at the VERY UPPER end of affordability, but hey – it’s Christmas…) There’s several flavours of the Plustek but in the end I chose the version which comes bundled with the Silverfast 8.8 AI scanning software for the extra dust removal...